Lunar Vacation Brings an Edge to Optimism on “Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire”
Lunar Vacation begin their second album, Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire, with “Sick”, a song reminiscing on a unique night the band spent at a comedy open-mic. This track, like a lot of the indie band’s work, is catchy, quirky, and drawn from the wholesome friendship that holds the group together. “Comedy is perfect when it’s ugly” sings lyricist/vocalist/guitarist Gep Repasky, a sentiment echoed throughout the album as Lunar Vacation loosen their grip on the manicured indie-rock that defines their first album Inside Every Fig is a Dead Wasp. With a new organic feel, Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire charms with contagious optimism, bright personality, and catchy riffs.
With some nudges from producer Drew Vandenberg (Faye Webster, SPELLLING, of Montreal collaborator), Lunar Vacation pulled away from their tendency towards perfection, especially on the single “Set the Stage”. The gaze-y treat breached demo status with some reluctance from Repasky. “It took some convincing on my end to fully realize this song,” Repasky said in conversation with Wonderland, “but that’s the best part about making music with my bandmates; they are the voice of reason and I trust them.” Originally an acoustic demo, “Set the Stage” captures Lunar Vacation’s maturing sound and newfound edge - one of embracing mistakes.
In the spirit of growth, the highschool friends turned indie-rock starlights explore the rougher side of their sound while staying precise on message. “Erase all the B’s”, recorded in one take, is a soft acceptance of things that cannot be changed. Teetering organs and gentle strums accented by chiming cymbals cushion Repasky’s expressive pleas for understanding. Lyrics “Stop being so bitter, it’s gonna get better” rattle around the track aptly titled “Bitter”, steering Lunar Vacation back on the optimistic front. “Fantasy” blurs the lines between reality and daydreams with glimmering swells, layered vocals, and a meandering bass track. Lunar Vacation comes back around to optimism on the feel-good track “Just for Today,” an affirmation blooming with endearing percussive details.
Sprinkled with stories of break-ups, fantasies, and unrequited love, Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire is a major leap in Lunar Vacation’s growth. On their first album, Lunar Vacation proved their strengths as talented young musicians capable of making well-structured friendly indie-rock. This new album marks their ability to let go of the fear that drives perfection and inch towards authenticity.